The first hour of a morning routine can directly influences the rest of your day. When you wake up, get your day started with intention – be ready to tackle the day head on!
How will you make your morning count?
1. Don’t drown in thoughts 4. Serious Tasks First
*Take a deep breath * Take a serious task,break
*Drink a big glass of water and it down into smaller sections
eat something nourishing and work on each task
one by one
2. Morning Routine * If you choose to do
*No rules – only what will work for you what matters first in
*Ground and energize yourself the hours of your
· Make your bed morning, it is shown to
· Make coffee build confidence
· Workout
3. Get Moving 5. Have Intention
Studies have shown that exercise, * Brains are refreshed first
no matter the time, helps increase thing in the morning,
concentration, memory, learning Choose intention
and lowers stress. * Meditation, mindfulness,
stretching, free writing, listening to music are all
acceptable intentions to
start your day on a
positive step